
Week 33 – Creepy/Cooky – Arista EDU 400

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween! I probably should have mentioned that last week. Titan and I shot this set for Zivity based around a sort of Wednesday Adams vibe. I loved the setup, and the images that came off my digital camera (I'm currently trying to narrow down 82 photos to around 15). 

While shooting digital I wanted to make sure to fire off a roll of film as well. Because we were in a hurry, I didn't exactly take my time as much as I should have. But at least I had a few nice shots on the roll. Hopefully it will be sooner than another 6 months before we are able to work together again. 

Week 32 – DJ System Fail (ROLL 52!) – Kodak Portra 400

**EDIT** I completely forgot to write anything about this series. As you can tell by the title it is the official 52nd roll of the 52 roll project. I'm still going to try and finish the series through the rest of the year. But it may become a bit of a challenge.

This set was part of my testing of my DIY black background. Check out the Extra blog for more info. Cody aka System Fail saw some photos from an earlier test and wanted to be a part of the process. I gladly took a chance and shot some great photos!

Week 22c – The Imperial Opa (and Little 5 Points) – CineStill 800 ISO Tungsten Xpro C-41

The jury still is out on this set. I'm not exactly happy with it, but at least things look better than the last roll.  Cinestill film is a great concept, and looking back I really should have bought more than just a single roll when I had the disposable income. 

Almost all of the demo images I have seen from it had a very great and unique look. I'm not sure if I just missed exposure on everything, or if my post production process just is that bad, but mine turned out very dark and muddy. And honestly I like more of the shots that I don't normally take like exteriors and the oddly shaped multiple exposure more than the shots of people.

I'd be curious to see what I could do with a LOT more light, really blowing it out, instead of being so dark. From my testing here it seems like even though this is an 800 speed film it really needs a LOT of light to expose "properly". But we'll cross that bridge when I can.

Development Notes:
C-41 Process with Unicolor Kit.
Color correction in Photoshop after scan.

Week 17 – Leftover wedding photos, and other things – Arista EDU 100

This roll ended up being a little more random than most. I loaded it with the intention of shooting all of it after the wedding of my friend Abby. However after a couple of frames, we all were sweaty and ready to move on with the rest of the day. So it sat in my camera for a few days. (Ok, more than a few days, maybe a week or more, in case you haven't figured out yet I am shooting WAY more than I expected so there is like a 2 week lag in what happens on the blog and what I am actually doing). 

After a particularly busy week, I decided it was time to finish the roll and get it processed for all of you. One major thing of note is I shot the entire roll in a focal length I don't normally work with. Part of the camera package I got for christmas included a 28mm lens. Typically I shoot more portrait style images and work with something closer to 50mm-90mm so it was fun to play with something a touch wider.

Development Notes:
1:50 Dilution Rodinal @ 70º-ish
Agitation for first 30 seconds, 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
7 Minutes.
Standard Fix - 4 Minutes (Brand new batch of Fixer).

Week 12a – Jackie – Kodak Portra 400

These next two weeks were many weeks in the making. Lots of back and forth scheduling went into making this shoot happen. 

Jackie and I met a few years ago in a bar, and have kept in touch since. She was looking to start a portfolio and asked me for assistance with grabbing a few images. We shot 3 rolls together. Below are the images in color (and a few from my trip back from NY that ended up on the same roll).

For not having any experience I think she did a bang up job of interpreting what I wanted out of her. 

Developing Notes:
Unicolor C41 Kit
Standard Development
Color Correction in Photoshop

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