
Week 17 – Leftover wedding photos, and other things – Arista EDU 100

This roll ended up being a little more random than most. I loaded it with the intention of shooting all of it after the wedding of my friend Abby. However after a couple of frames, we all were sweaty and ready to move on with the rest of the day. So it sat in my camera for a few days. (Ok, more than a few days, maybe a week or more, in case you haven't figured out yet I am shooting WAY more than I expected so there is like a 2 week lag in what happens on the blog and what I am actually doing). 

After a particularly busy week, I decided it was time to finish the roll and get it processed for all of you. One major thing of note is I shot the entire roll in a focal length I don't normally work with. Part of the camera package I got for christmas included a 28mm lens. Typically I shoot more portrait style images and work with something closer to 50mm-90mm so it was fun to play with something a touch wider.

Development Notes:
1:50 Dilution Rodinal @ 70º-ish
Agitation for first 30 seconds, 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
7 Minutes.
Standard Fix - 4 Minutes (Brand new batch of Fixer).

Week 5 – Push it (Push it real good) – Arista EDU 400 (Push +1 Stop to 800)

It's funny to me how things work out sometimes. The roll that I loaded for this week actually ended up in the trash a few minutes after putting it into the camera. I realized that the film wasn't advancing through the camera, popped open the back, and then instead of rewinding just the leader I ended up rolling the entire roll back into the canister. 

After a few awkward minutes of butter-knifing I decided it was a lost cause, loaded a fresh roll, and ordered a film extractor. Then I took the first shot actual shot on the new roll.

I have this sign on my wall, it just says "Make mistakes". Its a reminder that not every day will be perfect, and that sometimes you just have to experiment. That was what I accomplished with this roll. None of the following photos will be winning any awards any time soon for their content, but I still consider this a success because I feel I have a grasp now on pushing film during the development process. Enough yammering, onto the photos:

Developing Notes:
Arista EDU - 400 iso (Push +1 to 800 iso)
Recommended Development:  
Rodinal 1:25 dilution
5.5 Minutes Development time at 70º
Rodinal 1:50 dilution (5ml in 250ml water)
16 Minutes Development time at 70º
Standard Fix - 4 Minutes
Used Photo Flo. 

Very low contrast images (easily corrected in post), expected grain increase.


Wordpress and Tumblr Visit UNEXPhotography.com/52rolls for gallery below:

Week 4 – Rodinol and Robots – Arista EDU 100

Its been cold here in Atlanta. I know, Laugh all you want. Comparatively speaking our "cold" isn't nearly as cold as some other places around the world. And I'll admit after living in Montana for several years I am still mostly comfortable walking around without a jacket. However its still cold enough that I don't want to go outside in the windy-wetness-of-misery. 

This week was all about experimentation. I tried to use all of the various lenses that came with the manual 35mm camera that I have been primarily shooting on. Not everything worked out exactly as planned, and it probably didn't help that I was trying to shoot indoors on 100 iso film mostly without a flash. But I still think I did ok for the most part, save for a few focus opportunities. 

This was also my first time processing with Rodinol, and I have to say "where have you been all my life?". This is so much faster and easier than the caffenol process I am used to. I love it!

But without further ado, here are the images from this week. As always Tumblr/Wordpress users may need to visit UNEXPhotography.com/52rolls to see the gallery. 

Obligatory cat photo.

Developing Notes:
Arista EDU - 100 iso
Recommended Development:  
Rodinal 1:25 dilution
3.5 Minutes Development time at 70º
Rodinal 1:50 dilution (5ml in 250ml water)
7 Minutes Development time at 70º
Standard Fix - 4 Minutes
Used Photo Flo. 

I was very happy with how this roll came out. Now I just need to conquer my dust problems.

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