
Week 12b&c – Jackie – Arista EDU 100

Current roll count 23. At this rate I really am going to be at 52 before I know it. 

Originally this was going to be two different posts. Both were shot on the same day as the previous update. However, after much consideration I decided to place both of these rolls together since they are the same film stock and were shot at pretty much the same time. Some of the later images could be considered NSFW (even though nothing really is visible. Just be mindful).

Officially this is the 12th week of the project and after this post I will begin collecting my favorite images so far into a special gallery on my website.  What have been your favorite posts or photos so far? Anything you would like to see different? Anything you would like to see more of? I'm always open to suggestions.

Development Notes:
3.5 Minutes
Rodinol 1:25 Dilution
Standard Fix Time

Week 12a – Jackie – Kodak Portra 400

These next two weeks were many weeks in the making. Lots of back and forth scheduling went into making this shoot happen. 

Jackie and I met a few years ago in a bar, and have kept in touch since. She was looking to start a portfolio and asked me for assistance with grabbing a few images. We shot 3 rolls together. Below are the images in color (and a few from my trip back from NY that ended up on the same roll).

For not having any experience I think she did a bang up job of interpreting what I wanted out of her. 

Developing Notes:
Unicolor C41 Kit
Standard Development
Color Correction in Photoshop

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