
Zy_Gote - 2017.

Zy_Gote was brought to life by producer Stan Pavlov, fusing mixtures of different noise and industrial genres, molded together like Dr. Frankenstein constructed his infamous monster. Invoking dark atmospheres while unleashing distorted soundscapes aggressive beats and unsettling samples all at once upon the listener. 

Check out his debut album Potential for Destruction below. 

Gideon - 2017.

From his bio: Gideon Hodge is a long time writer, actor, performer and student of history. He continues to write stories, poetry, screen plays, plays, essays and more. He obtained his B.A. in History at Loyola University in New Orleans and MBA from Saint Leo University. He trained in Theatre across the country. When not writing he acts, films and researches in New Orleans. He has appeared in television, film, and on stage in nearly 100 productions to date–

–and he asked ME to take some new photos for him.

"Should I take my shirt off?"
"If you want to..."
"I'm going to take my shirt off now"

Ecto Proxy – EPK Photos (Part 1 Studio).

Back in November, I had the chance to shoot a round of EPK (Electronic Press Kit) photos for Finite Automata. If you don't recognize that name just take a look at the last few blog posts and refresh yourself.  At the time, there were just two members, but since at point a third has been added. This entry is not about that band, but instead another great project by the name of Ecto Proxy. 

Damian, Coco, Cody, and I entered into talks to provide some shots for their press kit a few weeks back. We thought through a multi-part concept, for a few different setups. Since Damian will be leaving for a tour at the end of the month, we made sure to snatch up any time we could and work out some time to get at least a few photos taken. 

The photos themselves as they are, stand on their own, but I am excited to see what these turn into as Damian and Cody both are experienced and talented graphic designers. Once I see the final images as they will be presented I may update this post (or possibly give them a shout out of their own). But until then, be sure to check out Ecto Proxy (Facebook/Soundcloud) and give them a like. Big things are coming soon out of these three. 



Week 32 – DJ System Fail (ROLL 52!) – Kodak Portra 400

**EDIT** I completely forgot to write anything about this series. As you can tell by the title it is the official 52nd roll of the 52 roll project. I'm still going to try and finish the series through the rest of the year. But it may become a bit of a challenge.

This set was part of my testing of my DIY black background. Check out the Extra blog for more info. Cody aka System Fail saw some photos from an earlier test and wanted to be a part of the process. I gladly took a chance and shot some great photos!

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