
Zy_Gote - 2017.

Zy_Gote was brought to life by producer Stan Pavlov, fusing mixtures of different noise and industrial genres, molded together like Dr. Frankenstein constructed his infamous monster. Invoking dark atmospheres while unleashing distorted soundscapes aggressive beats and unsettling samples all at once upon the listener. 

Check out his debut album Potential for Destruction below. 

David and Evie - 2017.

These guys are just too cute.

David is a person whom I have known through my time here in Atlanta. He always makes an effort to reach out when we are at the same event, has loaned me his back yard for a photo shoot, and generally is one of the best people I have met during my tenure here. 

When he reached out to me asking if I would be interested in taking the photos for his engagement announcements, of course, I wanted to make it happen. And then when I found out we would be spending part of a Saturday at the Historic Atlanta Oakland Cemetary, you bet I was game to be there. 


Bonus IQ180 shot. Honestly, before I give my opinions on this system I really need to play with it some more. I was told before shooting with it that a Tripod would be almost required, and after shooting with it I can agree. I have found that when you hit focus, it hits hard and the photo is full of detail, but when you also misses very hard. 

Also it's a matter of understanding that what you see on the back of the camera, isn't exactly what you are going to get. I found the images looked much worse until I got them into the computer. 

Adysen Alastor – 2016.

Adysen answered a call I put out on my Facebook page while booking for shoots. She had never been photographed professionally before but is in the process of setting up a new web-based project. 

We met up after she ended a day of work at her day job, and consequently only had about 30 minutes to shoot before we both lost light, and could possibly be arrested for trespassing in a city park. Even though we were fighting a losing battle against the sunset, I still think we were able to grab some interesting content for both of our portfolios. 

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