
Zy_Gote - 2017.

Zy_Gote was brought to life by producer Stan Pavlov, fusing mixtures of different noise and industrial genres, molded together like Dr. Frankenstein constructed his infamous monster. Invoking dark atmospheres while unleashing distorted soundscapes aggressive beats and unsettling samples all at once upon the listener. 

Check out his debut album Potential for Destruction below. 

Week 38 – Miss K – Fujicolor 200

So here we go. Week 50(51?) (officially). This year has been a trip. Based on my notifications this should be the last roll for the project here for 2015. Removing the mystery roll post from a few weeks ago, and that one time I scanned my gameboy. This makes up all of the entries for this year. Next week I'll be doing a roundup of some of my favorite images, just in case you haven't been following the whole time.

"Miss K" and I have been friends since very shortly since I moved to Atlanta back in 2010. She has always been a bit of an enigma (and likes to keep it that way). However it was decided that she and I HAD to work together before the project ended. Fitting that she would be the last. 

We had a lot of fun shooting this during a very late night at my studio. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. 

Development Notes:
Unicolor C41 Kit
Standard Processing
Slight Editing in Lightroom Post Scan

Nikki Nuke'm – 2015

I really had a lot of fun shooting this set of images with Nikki Nuke'm. If you follow the 52 rolls blog you may remember seeing a few photos of her during the DragonCon entries. She is a burlesque performer here in Atlanta, and it was by sheer luck that we happened across each other.

While I was building the flash diffusion panel (see the extra blog) I was also looking for new people to shoot in new ways. Luckily I was able to peel Nikki away from playing Fallout 4 for a spell and shoot something interesting and fun.

I had a REALLY hard time selecting images to show you all. And there is a pretty good chance I will be revisiting these photos in the near future. There were a couple that I had to re-construct in Lightroom/Photoshop because the backdrop was a little small. Also this was my first attempt at medium-heavy retouching. As my skills improve, hopefully my final delivered images will too.

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