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Kat - 2018.

Kat is one of those special people who constantly light up whatever room they are in. I'm fairly thankful that I had a chance to snap a few images of her while working with some other clients a short while ago.

Kat had just finished a much more planned and extravagant photoset, and while we were packing up I asked if she would be willing to sit and let me grab a few portraits. A few minutes later we were all done, and I ended up with a series of images that truly capture who Kat really is. 

Nikki Nuke'm – 2016

This was originally supposed to be a couple's shoot with Nikki and her partner Sig, but on the day we were scheduled to shoot we had to make a few changes as they had a last minute rehearsal for a show they are both performing in. But being a lady of her word, we re-booked for the next day and decided to set up the backdrop and see what we could come up with. 

Our original plan is still in the works, but you will have to wait for that to come in the near future. But for now, enjoy a few of the images we were able to create together on a somewhat impromptu shoot. 

Ecto Proxy – EPK Photos (Part 1 Studio).

Back in November, I had the chance to shoot a round of EPK (Electronic Press Kit) photos for Finite Automata. If you don't recognize that name just take a look at the last few blog posts and refresh yourself.  At the time, there were just two members, but since at point a third has been added. This entry is not about that band, but instead another great project by the name of Ecto Proxy. 

Damian, Coco, Cody, and I entered into talks to provide some shots for their press kit a few weeks back. We thought through a multi-part concept, for a few different setups. Since Damian will be leaving for a tour at the end of the month, we made sure to snatch up any time we could and work out some time to get at least a few photos taken. 

The photos themselves as they are, stand on their own, but I am excited to see what these turn into as Damian and Cody both are experienced and talented graphic designers. Once I see the final images as they will be presented I may update this post (or possibly give them a shout out of their own). But until then, be sure to check out Ecto Proxy (Facebook/Soundcloud) and give them a like. Big things are coming soon out of these three. 



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