Arista Edu 400

Week 33 – Creepy/Cooky – Arista EDU 400

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween! I probably should have mentioned that last week. Titan and I shot this set for Zivity based around a sort of Wednesday Adams vibe. I loved the setup, and the images that came off my digital camera (I'm currently trying to narrow down 82 photos to around 15). 

While shooting digital I wanted to make sure to fire off a roll of film as well. Because we were in a hurry, I didn't exactly take my time as much as I should have. But at least I had a few nice shots on the roll. Hopefully it will be sooner than another 6 months before we are able to work together again. 

Week 30 – DragonCon in Black and White – Various Films

50 ROLLS! As of this entry there are 50 rolls that have been shot and shown to all of you. The journey is almost complete...although much earlier than expected. I've already shot next week's entry into this adventure and I believe I have 12 rolls of film left. This should put me up to 42 weeks (10 weeks short of my goal of a year). So what does this mean? Well...if I have the spare pocket money I will try to pick up 10 more rolls and finish 52 weeks of entries. If not, we'll figure something out.

I'd like to take a moment to say a big early THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and kept up with this blog. Your comments and love has been instrumental to the success I feel about 2015.

But without further ado, DragonCon Mega Update 2, This time in Black and White. 

Development Notes:
 All Stand Developed 1 hour at Room Temperature.
1:100 Dilution of Rodinal.
30 seconds of Agitation at start.
Standard Fix 4:00.

Arista Edu 100 (x2 rolls)

Arista 400 EDU (+2 Stops to 1600 iso)

Ilford HP+ (+2 Stops to 1600 iso)

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