
State of the Union – May 2015

So just a little update as to what is going on with UNEX over the last little while. There have been a couple of changes that I'd like you all to check out and be aware of.

Firstly the Year of Film Project is going wonderfully. As you can see from the screenshot above I am WAY ahead of schedule and what originally was going to just be 52 rolls of film will be a whole lot more. So much so that I believe I am just about ready to say that aside from a few weddings in the upcoming weeks I am giving up digital completely for all of 2015. By the time all of the posts listed here go live I will be well over half of the year completed and have already done WAY more shooting than I did in 2014. 

Thanks everyone who has taken a look at everything, and have given me words of encouragement over these last few months. If you are new to the website please click on the link above and catch up on what all has been going on since the beginning of the year. If you prefer a more cliff notes version I have a gallery started here of my favorite photos so far.

In an attempt to market myself a little better I have done some updating to the People portfolio. I have taken away a few redundant portraits and have re-added the Couples and Weddings portfolio for clients that would be interested in checking those out. I'm not exactly in the wedding business full time, but if you are interested please drop me a line. I haven't turned down anyone yet. 

As you can see I'm still trucking along with my social media goals, even if those numbers aren't exactly 100% where I would like them to be. Also if you are only following one of the pages you may be missing out on the "whole picture" (no pun intended). With the help of all of the team I am finding myself tweeting more and more. So if you were looking to just follow one source I would say that would be it. It also has the benefit of being where I am the most candid, and RT/Share articles that I find interesting or its not always just about me. However if you are not a Twitter user you can always interact with me on Facebook, or Instagram. I always love hearing from everyone. 

As always I'll end by asking all of you loyal followers if there is something I am missing? Or is there something you are dying to see (or see more of)? Just let me know what types of things you like. 


Trying something new

Hello friends and followers,

If you check out the page regularly, you are probably already familiar with the News, Extra, and NSFW blogs. I've added a new one (kinda–still working the bugs out), Visual.

The Visual blog will be a link to the most recent 20 posts to the UNEX Instagram page. Of course if you follow on instagram already, you won't need to keep an eye out here. However for those of you who don't (but want a quick look through my eyes, or want to see pictures of Fluffy Cat) you can take a look here for a brief glimpse into my world.

I'll see if I like it long term. Its still a little wonky, and I much rather would prefer that it logged it more like a traditional blog on a day to day "post" basis. But beggars can't be choosers. 


A Peek Behind the Curtain:

Just wanted to show a few things I am working on. I have a board full of ideas and things, now its just getting everything together.  

I have always wanted a big board to put things on, kinda like the chalk board wall in (500) Days of Summer. When I was shopping for condos last year I wanted to paint the walls in what would be my office in whiteboard paint. This will do for now. 

And now - Instagrams! 


And then...the important one: 

30 days. I have 30 days to create some new work. Lets get to this.  

01/24/2013 - Scarlett Quinn:

Hello UNEX Friends and Followers,

Normally I would be reporting to you right now how awesome my shoot for "The Morning After" went, but that didn't quite go off as planned. I will do you all a favor and spare you the details, however I did get some more with the beautiful Scarlett Quinn. 

You will be able to see some of those images in the near future, they are being submitted to a website that rhymes with "Blue-a-side Hurls". Until we get the go ahead to post our favorite images, those will remain in the archives for the moment. Or most of them anyway. I may have a few selects once we go through everything.

Here is a candid shot of Miss Quinn while we were scouting the rooftop pool of the location we had selected. She will probably hate me for posting this on the blog as she was in more of her natural form.

Needless to say we really loved the view that this location afforded. However it was a little bit cold for the both of us, so we quickly went back inside. But not after having a little fun, see one of those photos on the extra blog here

Our shooting location for the first of the day reminded me a lot of a Parisian apartment...even though I have never been to Paris, I have seen enough New Wave films to make the analogy. 

This is where the most of our shooting came out of for the day. We both enjoyed the lighting and the rustic feel that the background provided in most of the shots.

After breaking for lunch and finding that the evening portion of shooting was not going to go as planned we opted to take things in a different direction and head back to the roof.

The temperature was no better now than it was earlier in the day. So we had to work quickly.

This was one of my favorites from the evening. Another will be posted to the NSFW blog here. Only for lady bum, generally people frown upon looking at that while you are at work. 

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the latest work. And be on the lookout for more as it becomes available.


Weekend Project - Darkroom:

Hello UNEX Friends and Followers,

Just wanted to take a second and keep you all abreast on what I have been doing all weekend. 

If you have been following the various blogs for the last few months, you will remember I got into caffenol printing in my bathroom. Generally speaking being a bachelor has its perks, one of which is being able to live in a level of grunge that makes normal people shy away. However now that I am taking the steps to move to the next level, I thought it was about time to take things to the next level.

Since I moved into my apartment last March I pretty much have had a closet full of boxes and various junk that I didn't really have a place for. I decided this weekend to change all of that.

I took everything that was in my closet out, and re-organized everything to a much more manageable space.

Work in progress clearing everything out

And this is the final result. I have enough room to comfortably load and unload film. Also I have a workspace that gives me enough room for a basic enlarger if I was so inclined (Hello Craigslist!). All of the development proper will still be done in the bathroom, but it works out better than I had it for now.

What did you all do this weekend?


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