Behind the Scenes

The Fandom Nerdlesque: Infinitease Promo Photos - 2019

The time is finally here! For anyone who has been following me on Social Media the last few weeks you have probably heard me teasing these series of images. For you and those who may not have known alike you are all in for a treat.

I was contacted by my friends over at The Fandom Nerdlesque (who if you don’t know are an Atlanta based collective of nerd-themed burlesque performers from all across the country) asking if I wanted to be a part of the marketing push for their upcoming Marvel Themed Show (being performed at the time of this blog post on Friday and Saturday THIS WEEK..HINT HINT…TICKET LINK AT THE END OF THE POST…HINT HINT).

After some very brief talk of concept, we decided that the end goal was to emulate the famous Marvel MCU posters that have been coming out regularly. It wasn’t until we were on set going through photos that I thought about using some various forms of compositing to create artificial backdrops for each character.

Jet Spiegl - Matt “Daredevil” Murdock


Final poster design by Evin from Apologue Media. He did a FANTASTIC job of throwing everything together into an amazing final product. Be sure to throw him some love as well!


Additional poster design by Kali Fornication (You can see her link above under her Thanos photo).

Get your tickets here!

For a peek behind the curtain as to how the sausage was actually made, keep reading below.

I’ve done some experimenting with various forms of compositing over the last few years. For more of an expert’s view I would make sure to check out the work of Renee Robyn or Clinton Lofthouse. Anything I have learned was very much learned by watching both of these amazing artists at work.

The first part of the recipe was making sure that the subject of the photo was lit properly. In the case of these Marvel photos I needed 4 lights. A Key in a 3’ Octabox, a fill in the form of a 12” beauty dish, and two 3x5 softboxes as rear kickers.


That setup lent itself to a photo like the below.

Fandom Marvel 011220190366.jpg

by using content aware fill you get one of the following photos below.
One worked better than another:

Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at 10.19.28 PM.png
Spoiler alert, it was this one that worked much better.

Spoiler alert, it was this one that worked much better.

Afterwards I roughly followed this tutorial from DIY Photography to mask the image

Click the photo above to read an in depth article that I assure you is WAY less scary that it looks.

Click the photo above to read an in depth article that I assure you is WAY less scary that it looks.

After masking its then just a matter of sourcing an appropriate background, and then adding any needed tweaks to it to fit the image at hand, and then several hours of refinements…the process of which I don’t have photos of because I didn’t think to take them.

If you would like to see a more in-depth step by step, let me know. I’d be happy to work something together!

UNEX Blogs: A Primer (AKA Does Blake like torturing himself?)

This is going to be a bit of a long one, probably the longest non-educational photographer blog entry ever written, but just stick with it. It'll all make sense.

So some of you if you have checked out the Underexposed website may have noticed that I have three separate blogs that I am all maintaining at the same time. Honestly its a bit much all of the time. However there is a method to my madness, and I hope to shine some light on that in this blog post.

Firstly if you are new to the site (welcome BTW), or only follow me through Tumblr or Facebook lets start with the basics. 

Before I started my website I was working specifically through Facebook and Tumblr. It got a little, lets say, "messy". My posting style was either feast, or famine. I would either have a LOT of news, or very little. So I decided to actually start three separate blogs so that fans and followers could pick and choose what types of content they received. 


The news, or primary blog is the best way to keep up on what is happening with us here at Underexposed. This is where I usually post updates as to who I am working with, where my work will be shown, and general news type updates. This is usually where the majority of my new work will be posted as it becomes available. (Tumblr link for easy reading here).

The extra blog (Tumblr link) takes a little more explaining, although not too much. Anything not considered news is usually posted here. Humorous outtakes from various shoots, experiments with new processes and tools, as well as extra images from content appearing on the main page. Instead of flooding you, the reader, with all of the pictures from a shoot at once I usually post them in more manageable chunks on this blog.

This is where things get a little more interesting. I would assume that most of you know what the acronym NSFW stands for, but for those who don't it means Not Safe For Work. Basically this is where my more "adult" or "exotic" work will be posted. Work for organizations like Zivity, Suicide Girls, and Kink Patrol will be talked about here for the most part. Especially if it involves images of any kind. Luckily Tumblr doesn't so much mind if adult content is posted, however not all social networks are the same. Facebook and Twitter for example are not so keen on having that type of content shown. 

This also allows me to post work that I am becoming more known for, while keeping it hidden from clients that may otherwise pass me by for having that kind of content on the site. Believe it or not, shooting adult content (although something that some people can get behind) isn't for everyone. 

Naturally the NSFW blog (Tumblr link) (as well as an adult portfolio) are hidden from the main page so that they are not immediately visible to the casual passer by. 


Everything that gets posted to any of these three blogs gets automatically filtered through to Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter. So if you want to only follow one source for all of your Underexposed cravings I would recommend the latter two. Links and a brief description of anything that posts will be collected there. For now content on Facebook and Tumblr are mostly the same. But as time goes on I will try to use those in completely different ways. 

So that my friends and followers is a basic primer on why there are so many different ways to view the content on this page. Also it may be why if you follow us on Facebook or Twitter may see multiple posts in a day, or that involve similar sets of content. I try not to spam everyone unless its for a good cause and usually then I will just run the same content on all three pages once or twice just to drive the point home. 


In short: I communicate with you all through three very different blogs, as well as social networks. Each one is a little bit different, however I would encourage you to follow them all (ideally through the website proper at but I know we live in the age of convenience so do what works best for you). Like posts, Share with your friends, write some comments (and I'll make sure to write back). Overall I love interacting with all of you, and like to know what you all think. Why else would I ask so much. 

Hope things make a little more sense now



Have I Mentioned Lately How Much I Love Ilford Delta 100?

If you have been following this blog for the last little bit you will have already seen that I have been playing with caffenol lately. 

Last weekend I was shooting a wedding for some friends and brought along a few rolls of film, mostly as a backup, and not really intending to shoot any of it. 

During everyone getting ready I had a little downtime, so I decided to pop in a roll or two and get to shooting. 

None of these are any of my favorite images from the weekend, but it serves as a reminder how much I LOVE film and how digital (however easier) will never replace analog in my mind. 

01/24/2013 - Scarlett Quinn:

Hello UNEX Friends and Followers,

Normally I would be reporting to you right now how awesome my shoot for "The Morning After" went, but that didn't quite go off as planned. I will do you all a favor and spare you the details, however I did get some more with the beautiful Scarlett Quinn. 

You will be able to see some of those images in the near future, they are being submitted to a website that rhymes with "Blue-a-side Hurls". Until we get the go ahead to post our favorite images, those will remain in the archives for the moment. Or most of them anyway. I may have a few selects once we go through everything.

Here is a candid shot of Miss Quinn while we were scouting the rooftop pool of the location we had selected. She will probably hate me for posting this on the blog as she was in more of her natural form.

Needless to say we really loved the view that this location afforded. However it was a little bit cold for the both of us, so we quickly went back inside. But not after having a little fun, see one of those photos on the extra blog here

Our shooting location for the first of the day reminded me a lot of a Parisian apartment...even though I have never been to Paris, I have seen enough New Wave films to make the analogy. 

This is where the most of our shooting came out of for the day. We both enjoyed the lighting and the rustic feel that the background provided in most of the shots.

After breaking for lunch and finding that the evening portion of shooting was not going to go as planned we opted to take things in a different direction and head back to the roof.

The temperature was no better now than it was earlier in the day. So we had to work quickly.

This was one of my favorites from the evening. Another will be posted to the NSFW blog here. Only for lady bum, generally people frown upon looking at that while you are at work. 

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the latest work. And be on the lookout for more as it becomes available.


© 2006 – 2023 UNEXPhotography and Blake Griffin.

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