David and Evie - 2017.

These guys are just too cute.

David is a person whom I have known through my time here in Atlanta. He always makes an effort to reach out when we are at the same event, has loaned me his back yard for a photo shoot, and generally is one of the best people I have met during my tenure here. 

When he reached out to me asking if I would be interested in taking the photos for his engagement announcements, of course, I wanted to make it happen. And then when I found out we would be spending part of a Saturday at the Historic Atlanta Oakland Cemetary, you bet I was game to be there. 


Bonus IQ180 shot. Honestly, before I give my opinions on this system I really need to play with it some more. I was told before shooting with it that a Tripod would be almost required, and after shooting with it I can agree. I have found that when you hit focus, it hits hard and the photo is full of detail, but when you miss...it also misses very hard. 

Also it's a matter of understanding that what you see on the back of the camera, isn't exactly what you are going to get. I found the images looked much worse until I got them into the computer. 

Graffiti + Bike √ The Netherlands = Photos

At the time of me writing this blog post, I am severely jet-lagged. My body doesn't know what time it is right now. I'm not sure any part of me knows what time it is right now. But anyway–

I had a chance to spend a week in The Netherlands for work, and of course, I can't just go somewhere new and not take photos. Of course as you probably already know I consider myself a portrait photographer above all, so going to a new place where I knew absolutely nobody provided me with a bit of a challenge. 

These first photos are from a small town called Kampen, where I spent most of my week abroad.

After Kampen, I had about a 36-hour layover in Amsterdam before heading home. My goal was to avoid any of the traditional tourist photos, and instead take a trip down the roads less traveled. 
Jokingly I went on a "Self-guided-walking-graffiti-tour". My biggest goal was to avoid taking photos of things everyone else was. 

2016: A Year in Review

Oh hey there! Yes, I know it's been a while. But fear not, I'm still around. Just unintentionally took the last two months of the year off. I guess I just needed to take a bit of a break. Right now I'm lying in bed, getting over the last little bit of some flu or some other sickness. I figured if I can't be good for much else, I may as well get my yearly review post out of the way. 

Much like last year, I had a very hard time getting things narrowed down to just 5 images. But since this is my blog I guess I'll do what I damn-well please.


On a rainy Easter Sunday, Sara and I took an afternoon just doing whatever we could. Just being cool. Some great photos walking around Atlanta and getting caught out in the weather. 

Cody, Damien, and Coco from Ecto Proxy asked me to shoot some promo photos for them this year. We had planned on a few different shoots, but this one was the only one that materialized. Not that I am complaining. We had fun with a simple white background set up in the practice space. 

I actually don't think this photo of Hada Pixie ever got shown in its full resolution this year. Long story short, we were trying to save it for publication, but it never did get chosen. None the less, I still like what we were able to do with such a simple setup.

Sig and Nikki. So glad to get the chance to shoot them both together. After having individual shoots with both of them over the course of the year, October came and with it came Halloween photos. I was extremely happy with a lot of the photos we captured that day, but this one still stands out as one of the best of the year.

Unintentionally 2016 became the year of the cosplay. Shooting with Sig (also mentioned above) with his Red Hood costume, got me tied in with Hysteria Machines (and with it Risky Sour, Persephone Phoenix, and Jesse), as well as Estella Zorn and her great gender swapped Tuxedo Mask. I never really fancied myself a cosplay photographer, but if the shoe fits...I'm not opposed to wearing it.

Honorable Mentions:

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