
Graffiti + Bike √ The Netherlands = Photos

At the time of me writing this blog post, I am severely jet-lagged. My body doesn't know what time it is right now. I'm not sure any part of me knows what time it is right now. But anyway–

I had a chance to spend a week in The Netherlands for work, and of course, I can't just go somewhere new and not take photos. Of course as you probably already know I consider myself a portrait photographer above all, so going to a new place where I knew absolutely nobody provided me with a bit of a challenge. 

These first photos are from a small town called Kampen, where I spent most of my week abroad.

After Kampen, I had about a 36-hour layover in Amsterdam before heading home. My goal was to avoid any of the traditional tourist photos, and instead take a trip down the roads less traveled. 
Jokingly I went on a "Self-guided-walking-graffiti-tour". My biggest goal was to avoid taking photos of things everyone else was. 

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