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Top 5-ish Photos of 2019 – A Year in Review.

Spoiler alert - In true UNEXPhotography fashion this post contains WAY more than 5 photos. Hope you don’t mind.

Here we are once again at the end of another year. The end of another decade. It’s still strange to me that this adventure started 12 years ago and here I am still keeping going. Yet, I’m still not surprised.

Stubborn maybe, but not surprised.

This year has been far from an easy one ( think I talked about that in the last blog) but that wasn’t enough to stop me. But enough of being a downer, this post is about accomplishments. So lets dig in so we can catch up shall we?

I know when I get a message from The FanDOM crew that something fun is about to happen. This year they have tasked me with two very ambitious projects that we were able to work together with.

The first was in January when they asked me to create a series of portraits that were in the same style as what Marvel has been doing with its MCU marketing. This was one of the first major projects that I played with compositing images into artificial backgrounds, and while some worked better than others I think that the end result was pretty good.

2019 was also the first year I branched out and hired a professional traveling model. Abby Div is wonderful, and if you have the chance to catch her in your city I totally recommend you do so!

Because of my work with The FanDOM I have received several inquiries for more work within the Atlanta burlesque community, and it was a pleasure getting to meet and work with Ruby Marx this year. I have been watching behind the scenes as she is rising through the ranks to become a powerful performer, and can’t wait to shoot with her again in the future!

Of course, who could forget Sunday O’Dare? She jumped at the chance to help get me out of my mid-year slump and we were able to create something simple yet elegant as always.

Another FanDOM project was creating a set of cards for the Pokémon themed show. I partnered with resident media expert Red Kyber to make a unique physical set of marketing cards (That I still need to get my hands on there Red) that fans, performers, and audience members couldn’t wait to collect.

Honorable Mentions

Working in the photographic industry for a day job allowed me to have some fun takin portraits that were used on company websites and other internal media.

I even had the chance to play around with some unique techniques and equipment to create a different look while playing with depth of field.

Ultimately the job never materialized, and only now are some of the test images getting to see the light of day.

Writer, Actor, and Performer Gideon Hodge asked me to shoot some new headshots for him, and during the session I was able to shoot the image above. Sometimes the best work comes when you are just “playing around” after the original job is done.

This was an outtake from my last shoot of the year with Benjamin Unbutton (see more in the previous blog post). This particular photo didn’t make the cut for the original blog…but I couldn’t let it go to waste.

Earlier in the year I lead a tour of photographers through The Netherlands, and took a short break from portrait photography to capture some wonderful images of bikes and graffiti (My usual when traveling abroad for some reason).

And finally an image I completely forgot I captured. During some camera tests, I had the perfect feline model hop into frame and sat really still and pretty for just a few seconds.


I was asked to be a part of two podcasts this year. So if you want to listen to me ramble on…I have provided the two links below.

I actually enjoyed the experience both times, and can’t wait to see about talking more in 2020.


So that’s about it. We’ve come so far, and as always have so far to go. Thanks for sticking it out with me.

Have a wonderful New Year everyone. See you in 2020!

The Netherlands 2019 - More Bikes (and Maybe a Few Tulips) .

So, I guess I’ve put this off long enough. Not sure why. I mean it shouldn’t be that hard to type up a few paragraphs about my process, or the things I had the chance to do or see, but for some reason I’ve had a hard time getting my thoughts together about this one.

It still boggles my mind, the obsession I have with bikes when traveling abroad. I think it stems from never really learning how to ride one as a child (long story), but at any rate I always joke with friends about how much the things I shoot change depending on where I am.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to return to The Netherlands, this time to lead a group of Photographers on a tour of the Dutch countryside. While I tend to shy away from sharing too much about my day to day job role, I’ll be sharing some of the photos I captured while facilitating the workshop.

So without further ado, please enjoy more of my “famous” photos from countries abroad.


























Everywhere Else (The Dutch Countryside)





Top 5ish Photos of 2017 – A Year in Review.

This was a year of many firsts. First trip out of the country, first book cover, first album cover, first fan art, and even first sighting of my photos in "The wild". 

I worked with a TON of new people this year, and each though a connection made from past clients. I've become a name on a great number of tongues this year, and I hope to keep growing. If I had a dollar for every time I said: "But I'm not a _______ photographer" while shooting a particular subject matter this year, I'd be a rich man. 

When the numbers all add up, I averaged a shoot every 8.4 days this year, on top of working a full time day gig. So needless to say, I'm a little bit tired. But to be honest I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

The Netherlands

My year may have started in the US, but my first First of the year comes from my trip abroad. I may have been sent for work, but that didn't stop me from taking the time to give myself a self-guided tour of my accomidations. 


Talon's Grasp
(Book Cover)

This wasn't just a year of firsts for me. A close friend Zak had his first book published this year. 
He asked me to shoot photos for what would end up being the cover of this book. Zak also allowed me to test out some new equipment (for me anyway) the results of which became his Author photo seen below. 

The photo below was an outtake that didn't end up making the cover, but I still liked it anyway. Talon (Lex) went above and beyond to bring the titular character to life.

Be sure to show some love to Lex and Zak by picking up your own copy of the book on Amazon.

(An Album Cover)

Regular client and friend Hada Pixie, as well as her partner TG Mondalf invited me to take part in a special event as well. TG being a big fan of my work wanted partner up and shoot a full album's worth of images, a few of which appear below: 

You can pick up your own copy directly from Latex Records

It was through this shoot that I also met with Sakura Stars, a model I hope to do some more with in the near future. A photo of her appears in the bonus section at the end of the blog.

First "Fan Art"
"...but I'm not a Cosplay photographer..."

I'm consistently astounded by Evin from Apologue Media and am so happy to have been introduced to him and his work. Last year I met for the first time a group that would become regular clients in 2017. Solar Phoenix (as she is now known) shot multiple sets ranging from television, to anime, and even branching in the realm of video games. 

Even though I had no idea what the source material was about, it was her Hotline Miami costume that really made an impression on me this year. 

In the Wild

Through various cosplay shoots this year I was brought to the attention of a couple of groups in the Atlanta Burlesque/Nerdlesque community, and have been introduced to many wonderful people with whom I now consider both friends and clients (and even more that are on the docket to create something magical in the years to come). 

The photo below was snapped at the opening show for The FanDOM, Under The Cowl, which I also shot some of the marketing materials for. 

Kali Fornication, Benjamin Unbutton, and Désiré Èvoquer are just a few of the lovely foks from The FanDOM that I have become close with. Please keep your eyes peeled for more exciting work coming from these guys in the upcoming months. 

As a bonus, I'd also like to share some of my favorite images from a Game of Thrones burlesque show that I was invited to work on (and subsequently got me noticed by what would become FanDOM). 

The Game of Thrones: Winter is Stunning event was one that shouldn't have been missed (and if you missed it, that was clearly your fault because I talked about it a lot). 

Shown are just a few selects from my time in Westeros. Solar Wolf, Solar Phoenix, Risky Sour, and Roux La La are shown here in their wonderful costumes, with Désiré Èvoquer appearing above as Joffrey. 

Bonus Photos
(Because I quickly learned my "Top 5 photos of the year" post ended up with 30+ images in it)

A giant thank you as always to everyone who I shot with this year, I tried to make sure I grabbed a couple of photos from every shoot (and if I missed you it wasn't on purpose). And other great thanks to all of you out there whom I interact with on Social Media and in real life. I love your feedback and interactions. Thanks for reading all of the blog posts, and commenting on your favorite images. 

See you all in 2018.

Graffiti + Bike √ The Netherlands = Photos

At the time of me writing this blog post, I am severely jet-lagged. My body doesn't know what time it is right now. I'm not sure any part of me knows what time it is right now. But anyway–

I had a chance to spend a week in The Netherlands for work, and of course, I can't just go somewhere new and not take photos. Of course as you probably already know I consider myself a portrait photographer above all, so going to a new place where I knew absolutely nobody provided me with a bit of a challenge. 

These first photos are from a small town called Kampen, where I spent most of my week abroad.

After Kampen, I had about a 36-hour layover in Amsterdam before heading home. My goal was to avoid any of the traditional tourist photos, and instead take a trip down the roads less traveled. 
Jokingly I went on a "Self-guided-walking-graffiti-tour". My biggest goal was to avoid taking photos of things everyone else was. 

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