
UNEX Update 11/09/2012

Hello fans and followers,

I have another busy weekend of work ahead. There may be no rest for the wicked, but my lack of sleep just adds fuel to the UNDEREXPOSED: Alternative Photography fire!

Saturday (11/10): I am teaching a friend what I have learned about Caffenol printing in hopes to spread the love around a little bit. Then in the evening its all about rubbing elbows with some great people (and trying to get new clients for you all to enjoy).

Sunday (11/11): Working again with the stunning Scarlett Quinn. We plan on shooting two unique sets for our Zivity workings. Maybe even a few bonus shoots for all of you who continually support and vote for us.  This support is much appreciated, and it helps provide a little extra income to keep fresh and new content coming.

Also, I have gotten a little bit of feedback from all of you about the three blog format…some people love it, others don’t (mostly because its hosted here on Tumblr). So with that I propose this. Would more of you read the blog if it was attached to its own domain? Would you be more inspired to comment and share things if it was on its own independent source? Let me know. Just trying to look into the future. 

Thanks as always for the support -B

Adventures in Caffenol (Part 4):

Success! I think I have finally found out the perfect developer time for my caffenol experiment. Processed the final roll of film from working with Nicholette Emanuelle.

Catch up on the whole series here, here, and here.

I got a lot of fun images out of this one, however my scanner doesn’t seem to like to actually scan the prints. When I import them into aperture they seem to be really small. I’ll see if I can make it my next project to correct that issue.

Processing Notes: Same recipe as before, except development time was 20 minutes instead of 11 - B

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