
Oh hey, would you look at that!

Hello friends and followers,

Just a happy heads up that the two shoots from last week featuring Hada Pixie are both now available online to Zivity subscribers!

(Not only that but both were ranked "Noteworthy" by their staff...I'm above average YAY!) 

Check out the NSFW blog for a sneak peek at some outtakes from the set, and an offer for a free trial on the site!



Got a package in the mail today:

Hey UNEX Friends and Followers,

Just wanted to throw a little update your way. As I mentioned a few weeks ago I submitted my website to a contest for The Art of Photography podcast. 

They sent me a free 3 month subscription for my website here through Squarespace and a free T-shirt.

Also if I read everything correctly my website should be given a little bit of a feature on the podcast in the near future. I'll be sure to link the episode once I see it come through.

Thanks again to Squarespace, Podtrac Promotions, Ted Forbes (and the Art of Photography Podcast)!



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