Sébastien came across my work from the photos that I did of Nicky back at the end of January and gave me a follow on Instagram. When I needed to do some light testing to re-create some new skills I learned last week, they jumped at the chance to get a few portraits made.
During our session, Sébastien gave me some lessons on the catalog of Erykah Badu and brought some great ideas to the table. I’m going to have to do some more experimentation with lace and veils and the overall idea of being hidden. Thank you again for taking time out of your Saturday to come to play in the studio.
CM-15 (Adjusted)
Jack Calico - 2020.
"Jack Calico is an Atlanta-based burlesque performer, variety entertainer, and possibly your new stepfather.
Whether he's mesmerizing old ladies with his rhythmic dancing from his years as a professional salsa instructor, or he's charming even older ladies with his gruff baritone singing voice honed over decades of drunken karaoke, it suffices to say that old ladies will be involved.
So wash your ears, and remove your eye patch for Atlanta's Lovable Tramp, Jack Calico. “
I’ve known Jack since my early days in the Atlanta Burlesque community. But to be fair, if you spend any time in the same room as him, you’ll soon know Jack too.
I’m surprised its taken this long for the two of us to link up and do some work. After a burlesque sabbatical, Jack is currently taking the steps to warm back up to the stage and answered my call to action when I was looking for some new talent to work with.
So hide your mother, and lock your doors. Jack Calico is back baby!