
Erin and Preston - 2018

Erin and Preston are probably some of the greatest friendships I have formed in the last few years. Both are wonderful people and very talented performers. Readers who have been around a while will definitely recognize their faces as they have appeared many times on this blog.

Last year when I found out that after many years of dating that Preston was going to pop the question, I was ecstatic to hear it and knew that I had to be a part of everything.

Although the location was a lighting challenge, I still consider this one of the most fun weddings I have ever been a part of both as an attendee and as a photographer. I wish them many long years together, and can’t wait to pet their 13 cat children as they join the family.


Guests and anyone who missed the ceremony can view the other photos at the gallery link below:

Erin and Preston Wedding Gallery

The Shelter 2009-2013

Hello Friends and Followers,

As many of you know The Shelter in Atlanta is closing its doors tonight after a 4 year run.  Its with a heavy heart that I report this on my own blog. The Shelter was not just a bar, it was like a second home to me (and one of my reasons for re-locating to Atlanta years ago). And even was the home of my first solo art showing.

However its best not to mourn, they are going out with a bang tonight with their famous New Wave New Years Eve party. So to celebrate the bar that was opened on a simple premise of "No dress codes, no VIP lists, no douchebags, and everyone is welcome"

I would like to present to you a few photos I was invited to take last night.

Not only will these 12 images live on in the form of this Blog, but I have partnered with Michael and Davo to offer a limited edition 8"x10" print of each of these images. They will be auctioned off tonight with the proceeds going to a project that I can't talk about yet (but one that I am very excited to be a part of...and I think you will be too).

If you like what you see, please come out. Not just for me, but to show a really awesome place off in a blaze of glory. 

I hope to see you all there, and if not I hope that whatever you do tonight you do it safely.


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