Week 8a – Never Look Gift Film in the Mouth – Kodak Max 800 (expired) (-1 stop)

So by the time you read this, hopefully I'll be feeling much better. This last week the plague going around Atlanta knocked me on my ass. However as I write this I am feeling mostly better, so that's a plus. 

I have to also make a few short shout outs too for this week. Firstly to Vivi from Vivifyphotography. She donated the rolls of film I shot with this week, as well as the Kodak BW400CN stock from Week 6b (and Next week's entry as well). 

Second I want to thank my model Morgan who found me via Instagram. She saw some of the work I did for the self censorship project, and immediately wanted to be on board. Over the next 2 weeks I will be posting not only that entry, but some other photos that we took that I just can't bring myself to "deface" for the project. 

Granted all of this film was probably horrendously expired, but I still don't think I "get" shooting color stocks yet. I'm not sure if its my post process, or my choice in film. But it never seems to look the way I want it to. Any tips on shooting and post production would be much appreciated!

Development Notes:
Standard Development
Unicolor C-41 Kit. 

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