
Copenhagen, Denmark – 2020.

Happy 2020 everyone! This year I’m wasting no time getting some content headed your way.

The last few days have been a blur of travel, training, and for anyone who is a regular here…bicycles and various street arts. As the title of this post suggests, I’ve spent the last week in Denmark for my initial onboarding for my new job.

Denmark is a strange place (to me anyway), it seems like there are an abundance of culture, a movie theater every few blocks, and what boggled my mind the most…more 7 Elevens than I have at all in the greater Atlanta area (Except without the famous slurpees).

Being located closer to the Arctic Circle than I have ever been, I also had to get used to the winter days ending much sooner than I expected. This caused some new challenges to my usual European muses. I also learned that 61 Megapixels isn’t nearly as forgiving to hand shake as I previously had been used to. I’ll need to do some more experimenting on how to stop that moving forward.

But enough from me, enjoy this small piece of something out of my ordinary. Hopefully I’ll be back soon with some more portraits for all of you.

Back in Atlanta:

For those of you who didn't know, I've been out of town the last few days shooting a wedding for some very close friends of mine. 

Having never been to New Orleans before I was excited to see a new place, as well as document the joining of two very great people.  

I'm still working on most of the photos from the wedding itself, however enjoy some instagrams from my travels. 

A goofy looking Ice Machine. I still kinda regret not finding him another googly eye. 

One of many interesting shops that I saw and visited. 

Not just shops, but the street art and tags also drew me in. Not pictured is "Achoo" "Meow" and "Goon".  

And somehow I packed it all into just these two bags. 

I hope to have some new updates coming soon, and add a few images to my weddings album. Feel free to comment, as well as contact me for openings for your big day! 

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