
Week 37 – Grinder – HP5+ (+2 Stops to 1600)

Stevhan is not a stranger to this blog, however not exactly in the way you would expect. His basement was used a few weeks ago for the shoot I did with Finite Automata. He is an interesting fellow, and I don't exactly remember how we actually met. But that doesn't matter.

When he contacted me through my weekly call to action on Instagram and said he wanted to do something with fire. I'd be lying if I both wasn't A) a little scared, and B) seriously intrigued. So I made sure I cleared time in my schedule to shoot.

Sadly for you there isn't any of the fireball photos in this batch, I shot all of those digital (and posted them to my news blog a few weeks ago; by the time this goes live). However I did get some of his grider act on film. And for shooting in almost pitch darkness except for a modeling light for focus, I'm happy to have captured anything at all. 

Development Notes:
Stand Developed 1 Hour
Rodinal  1:100 Dilution
Standard Fix 4 Minutes
Levels adjusted in Lightroom

Stevhan Hand – 2015

I put out my weekly call to action through social media late last week. With the holiday season starting, well, tomorrow. I wasn't expecting to have anyone able to shoot this week. And in came Stevhan. He said that he was getting more and more interest in one of his many talents, stage performing, and that he wanted something to show potential clients inquiring about his very unique act.

If you follow everything here at UNEX you probably remember the photos I took for Finite Automata a few months ago. The location we used was actually the basement of Stevhan's house here in Atlanta. 

We sat down and discussed something that was a little outside of the "norm" here of what I generally do. However outside of the comfort zone is where things really come together. Below are a few photos from our time together last night.

I also took a chance and shot a roll for my 52 rolls project. As I am posting this blog entry it is currently developing. If you liked these photos be sure to check back in December to see a few more images.

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