
Week 18b – Brianna – Arista EDU 400

Oh magic hour. What a beautiful thing you are. And yet why don't I use you more?

Granted most of this roll was shot on a time crunch, I hadn't fully explored this area before heading over to shoot with Brianna. But I don't think that I did too bad with what I had to work with. The only thing I would change about this setup is that I was trying to go with more of a silhouette on the photos of her standing with her back to me, but instead I metered "properly" for a correctly exposed image. So I guess worse things could have happened. 

All in all I am very happy with how things turned out, and can't wait to work with Bri again.

Development Notes:
1:100 Dilution Rodinal
Stand Developed at "Room Temperature" 60 minutes, 30 seconds of agitation at start.
Standard Fix - 4:00. Agitation for 5 seconds every 30 seconds.

Week 18a – Brianna – Kodak Portra 400

I met Brianna through Morgan (which you all should remember since she has been featured twice so far in this blog so far).  

It took a good while for us to get together but when we did it was totally worth it.  We kinda went into this shoot the same way I work with anyone who models for me. Its all about getting to know how someone works. Nothing too exciting or hard, it was more like "come as you are and let's make something happen". The biggest down side was once we finally were able to get together we were working on borrowed time before the sun went down. But that allowed us to work during a very special time. 

It's pretty known that magic hour is amazing. Add Portra 400 to that and it's a beautiful thing. I only wish we had more time to prep a tiny bit more, but between this week and next I am pretty happy with what we got.

Development Notes:
Unicolor C41 Kit
Standard Development
Scanned and Color Corrected in Photoshop 

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