Jessica and Thomas - 2018

You may remember last year when I shot some very interesting engagement photos for a very special couple.


I met Jessica and Thomas back in 2015 at DragonCon when they came and spent some time in the room I was sharing with a few other people. Little did I know that they would come to me many years later and ask for me to not only shoot their very unique and special Mortal Kombat themed engagement photos, but also their wedding as well.

At the time of our meeting they had been together for 8 years (if my math is correct) and at the time of their wedding that was bumped to an unusually high 11 years! If anything their finally tying the knot was a long time coming and a lot of work in the making.

These photos are a few weeks late as they were married the weekend before DragonCon this year. I gave them the proofs while we shared a room a few weeks ago, but then with Con and all of my recent Artist’s Way work I’ve been a little late sharing them with all of you.

Below are a few of my favorites from spending their very special day with them:

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Jessica and Thomas, I wish you the best and many more happy years together. Thank you for letting me be a huge part of your wedding day. I hope these photos last you both a lifetime and more.

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