Blix (In Black and White) – 2015 — UNEXPhotography

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Blix (In Black and White) – 2015

You wouldn't know it by looking at her, but Blix and I have worked together before at an event here in Atlanta a few years ago. However back then she looked completely different (not that that's a bad thing!). When I heard she was coming into town for a few days, I wanted to make sure that we had time to shoot together...even if it meant that I would be tired the next day.

We originally planned to meet around 8:00, but got pushed back to almost midnight. I wish we had time to shoot more, but luckily we found a somewhat quiet spot by an elevator and were able to snap off a few quick shots.

I couldn't decide which versions I liked better, these or the color versions, so I decided to post both. Check out the Extra blog in a few days to see these in a completely different way.

It was great catching up, and having a good laugh about a mutual "friend" of ours. I hope to do it again real soon.

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