The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed one of the photos from this series appeared on the front page of the website back in July, and you would be right, because that’s when I put it there. The secret is out, we can all go home now.
But in all seriousness, I’ve been waiting for October since the summer. Hopefully by the time this blog actually posts to the internet the air will have that familiar comforting chill, Target will have FINALLY put out their dollar Halloween stuff (I’m still mad that hasn’t happened already as I’m writing this in the past), and there will be a Spirit store living inside of all of us where there once was a JC Penny.
What started as just a cute spooky dress turned into an idea that came together just hours before we ended up in the studio, and I hope you all enjoy the fruits of our unearthly labors (Pumpkins are fruit right? Probably not…but let’s just roll with it, ok?).

Made it this far? How about a little farther? At the time of this posting, Caitlin is currently competing in the 2022 Face of Horror competition and just recently made it to the Top 10 of her group. If you have a moment I’m sure she’d appreciate a couple of extra free votes to get her one step closer to winning.