
Estella – Tuxedo Mask – 2016.

Estella is another great individual I have been introduced to over the last year. Firstly while shooting makeup tests from earlier this summer, and then again during the Much Ado About Nerddom performance with Hysteria Machines a few weeks ago. 

She is an accomplished performer, cosplayer, and photographer, and I was more than stoked when she answered my call to arms looking for someone to shoot. Expect to see us working together much more in the future to document various costuming themed sessions. 

Model: Estella Zorn
Costuming: Pinky Shear
Mask: Estella Zorn

At the time of posting this entry, I also am in the process of working on some non-cosplay themed photos taken during the same session. I'll be posting those as a separate entry in the coming days. 

Sig Sawyer – 2016.

I met Sig Sawyer at Dragoncon last year. He was part of the group I shared a room with along with his lady friend (Nikki Nuke'm, who is no stranger to this blog). Sig is a devoted cosplayer and a rather unique part of the Atlanta Burlesque community. We weren't exactly planning this shoot, it was more of a "hey I'm off work early. Want to shoot something?" but I am so excited with how this turned out. 

This also is a debut for a few things. Thing-the-first is his beautiful Red Hood costume for this year's DragonCon. Secondly, he let me know while we were working that this also was his first professional costume shoot EVER. So be on the lookout if you are out and about this summer con season, and also be on the lookout for more work coming from us in the future.

And I have to say, for a guy who for so many years talked trash on photoshop I have to say it's growing on me. I'm still learning what power this program holds, but lets just say if I didn't use photoshop you would have an entire update of photos that look like this:

Which I mean, isn't bad. But I still like the final images much better after some compositing. 

We also warmed up by shooting his Mortal Kombat Scorpion costume (which also appeared on this blog last year during the DragonCon on film update).

2014: a year in review

Well its about that time again. In 4 more days it'll be 2015 and another year will begin. As always its a good time to look back over the last 365 days and reflect on what this last year has brought. 

All things considered I really didn't get a lot accomplished over the last year. I shot less than in most years previous. But I can say there were more than a few extenuating circumstances. All of that aside here are my top 5 images from the last year. 


Shortly after starting my new job I was invited to photograph one of the owners at a show he was performing at. This image was taken as part of a "contest" with him, and even though it didn't win overall he said it was his favorite of the bunch.

It wasn't until 4 months later that I picked up my camera, but when I did it was one of my regular models Nicolette that was the subject. I say it every year but I love shooting with this woman. She always has great ideas and is game for any position that I choose to put her in. 

As a quick aside I should mention that this is actually version 2 of this image. I saw that because until this last year I would have told you that I despised Photoshop. I hated everything about it. But since I have been using it every day for work purposes, I can say that it is a very useful tool that I am eager to learn more about.

My second time working with Hada Pixie came next. Another set for Pixie is another great model that always comes up with interesting options to work with. This set was ranked "noteworthy" by Zivity staff members, and is another example of an image that I re-worked post photoshop hatred. 

Jason AKA Davinci Black, was a previous co-worker of mine a few years back. He wanted some new photos for an album he was working on. And I was very happy to hear from him and to get the chance to help him out. Keep an ear out for what is coming from this guy. 

Finally one of the many photos of The Imperial Opa that I took at their burlesque show earlier this year. I loved shooting all of the various acts, but I thought this photo of the whole troupe summed up things much better. 

So that's it. That was 2014. Onward to new projects and new photos. If you haven't read recently I have started my 2015 project blog over at where I will be shooting a roll of film a week for the next year. What would you like to see? Let me know below!

Until next time, thanks as always for taking some time to see what I have been up to.


Throwback Thursday 2.13.14

Hey everyone, thanks for bearing with me during the last few months. I've been moving (again), as well as starting a new day job. However during that time I have had the chance to meet and get some post processing input from Todd Graham from Todd Graham Media.

Todd is what I would consider a bit of a photoshop genius. And he is doing his best to convince me that post processing isn't all bad. We had a chance to sit down together and take a look at some of my work from the last year.

You may remember some of these images from January of last year. I hope you enjoy them again, with a little different look.

Hope you liked these new takes on old images. Be sure to go give Todd a little love as well, and be on the look out for some new stuff from me coming soon!


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