Leather Jacket

Jack Calico - 2020.

"Jack Calico is an Atlanta-based burlesque performer, variety entertainer, and possibly your new stepfather.

Whether he's mesmerizing old ladies with his rhythmic dancing from his years as a professional salsa instructor, or he's charming even older ladies with his gruff baritone singing voice honed over decades of drunken karaoke, it suffices to say that old ladies will be involved.

So wash your ears, and remove your eye patch for Atlanta's Lovable Tramp, Jack Calico. “

I’ve known Jack since my early days in the Atlanta Burlesque community. But to be fair, if you spend any time in the same room as him, you’ll soon know Jack too.

I’m surprised its taken this long for the two of us to link up and do some work. After a burlesque sabbatical, Jack is currently taking the steps to warm back up to the stage and answered my call to action when I was looking for some new talent to work with.

So hide your mother, and lock your doors. Jack Calico is back baby!

Sig Sawyer – 2016.

I met Sig Sawyer at Dragoncon last year. He was part of the group I shared a room with along with his lady friend (Nikki Nuke'm, who is no stranger to this blog). Sig is a devoted cosplayer and a rather unique part of the Atlanta Burlesque community. We weren't exactly planning this shoot, it was more of a "hey I'm off work early. Want to shoot something?" but I am so excited with how this turned out. 

This also is a debut for a few things. Thing-the-first is his beautiful Red Hood costume for this year's DragonCon. Secondly, he let me know while we were working that this also was his first professional costume shoot EVER. So be on the lookout if you are out and about this summer con season, and also be on the lookout for more work coming from us in the future.

And I have to say, for a guy who for so many years talked trash on photoshop I have to say it's growing on me. I'm still learning what power this program holds, but lets just say if I didn't use photoshop you would have an entire update of photos that look like this:

Which I mean, isn't bad. But I still like the final images much better after some compositing. 

We also warmed up by shooting his Mortal Kombat Scorpion costume (which also appeared on this blog last year during the DragonCon on film update).

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