
CharLee Cherie - 2021.

After months of work I am so terribly happy to actually have a studio space to work out of. I’m even happier when I say something like “Hey, do I know anyone with a ball gag?” and several people reach out to humor some strange ideas floating around in my head.

This was the first time I’ve really been able to use my space to its fullest and even though I had a few kinks (ha) I think I was able to troubleshoot them on the fly pretty well.

CharLee was wonderful as always, and aside from my laptop being on its last legs and it taking me longer to get these out into the world, I can’t wait to keep creating more content in this new space.

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Adventures in Caffenol (Part 4):

Success! I think I have finally found out the perfect developer time for my caffenol experiment. Processed the final roll of film from working with Nicholette Emanuelle.

Catch up on the whole series here, here, and here.

I got a lot of fun images out of this one, however my scanner doesn’t seem to like to actually scan the prints. When I import them into aperture they seem to be really small. I’ll see if I can make it my next project to correct that issue.

Processing Notes: Same recipe as before, except development time was 20 minutes instead of 11 - B

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