Gideon Hodge

Top 5(ish) Photos of 2020 - (As If We Needed to Be Reminded).

You know…it’s almost as if there was something that happened this year that just sucked all of the joy and energy out of the air, but I just can’t put my finger on it.

Normally I’m pretty excited about these roundup posts. I typically like going back and remembering all of the fun times on set, and reviewing old images that had been delivered, and picking out the forgotten gems that didn’t make the original cut. But this year I have struggled with making this roundup and have put it off about as long as I could possibly justify.

I still think that there were some great memories this year, even if I have to force myself to find the positivity in the process.

The year started off with an immediate trip to Europe. I had just started a new job and spent the first weeks of the year training and getting into the swing of what my days would be filled with.

Having worked for an EU based company for the last several years, I’m no stranger to flying for business. However Copenhagen was its own experience all together. I am so not used to the idea of a Nordic winter where things start to get dark around 3pm and by the time you are done for the day there is almost no daylight left.

I think this was one of the first times I got to get out and really use the Sony A7RIV I bought at the end of 2019. Shooting at extremely high resolution at night is not as easy as you would think! But I still was able to capture some of my “traditional” images of Europe’s various bikes and street art.

When it came time to start shooting portraits again, I had the end of 2019 fresh in my mind and wanted to continue a trend of very minimalist photos that I had been working on.

On my birthday I had the chance to work again with the wonderful Nina La Voix during a trip to New York City. I had planned on being in NY a lot this year (Ha), but even if that didn’t happen I always enjoy my time with Nina and hope to be able to work with her and her circle again soon.

My “home studio” also got a good bit of work at the beginning of the year when I had sessions with Ruby Marx, Gideon Hodge, Jack Calico, and Magenta Marie in what felt like back to back to back bookings

And then, “IT” happened. We had heard rumblings of some sort of illness that was circulating abroad, but it never seemed to be THAT bad. I personally didn’t know what to think or believe until I was in the Atlanta airport and saw the breaking news that the US/Canada border was closed until further notice.

To be honest I think I was more frustrated that my trip to Canada the next week would need to be rescheduled, but then I noticed how empty the Atlanta airport was, and thats when things got a little scary.

I’ve made the joke several times this year, but I’ll say it again. It’s very hard to be a portrait photographer when it’s not a responsible choice to be around other people. So I quickly found out I needed to buckle down and find other ways to get my creativity into the world, and take the time to add some new tools to my photographer’s tool kit.


I hope that in 2021 I’ll be able to actually show the many hours of work that went into this project. But until then enjoy these recreations of some comic book logos.

Additionally I did some work creating some other vector art pieces for myself and for friends of the blog The Fandom Nerdlesque.

(Psssst, If you want to see the photos we originally created for this show you can find them here).


Additionally to learning vector art, I wanted to get into some other arts as well. I managed to snatch up a decent microphone setup before COVID made them almost impossible to purchase:

In this episode your host learns the hard way that podcasting isn't as easy as it looks while trying to explain why we are all here spending this time together. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Blake sits down virtually with Comedian and Podcast Host, Rivers Langley to talk Headshots, Comedy, Podcasting, and some experiments with long gone Polaroid film. To see the photos talked about in this episode, make sure to visit the blog at:

In this episode, Blake describes a new project that he is starting and sits down with some of the first friends he made after moving to Atlanta a decade ago to talk about one of the things he loves most in the world...cats.

I’ll be honest that this particular project didn’t exactly take off as much as I’d like for it to have, but I wouldn’t consider this to be dead just yet.


It wasn’t all bad though. I started a new project “The Cats Who Live with my Friends” where I bother my friends to let me take photos of their cats…

I need to re-visit this project with some vigor next year and get some more entries lined up and in the can.

Ruby Marx asked me to photograph some non-traditional graduation photos of herself:

And my friends Cody and Tegan asked me to capture one of their most important days:


Devyn was recommended to me by her sister (and no stranger to this blog CharLee):

And now for some photos I’ve been holding on to specifically for this entry, the two sisters demanded that I took some photos of the two of them just being sisters and having a completely un-staged pillow fight. Really…this wasn’t staged at all…nope…not at all ;).

I also want to give a big shout out to Tom and Michelle from Apocalypse in Review for finding me interesting enough to have me on twice this year!

While all of the movies we've featured on our podcast have fetching titles in regards to the dumpster fire that is 2020, this one seems especially fitting. Doomsday (2008) is an action-packed hodgepodge of everything you'd want in an action movie: beautiful ass-kicking woman protagonist, great action sequences, gruesome deaths, and crazy cannibals.

We're so excited to have our friend and portrait photographer, Blake Griffin, back on our show! We watched Akira, the anime movie of all time. We discussed some trivia and Blake through out some cool facts about how Akira created a shift in action movies and became the movie that brought anime into Western culture.

Also please be on the lookout next year as Michelle and I are in the beginning phases of having some episodes of Let Me Take Your Picture where we discuss the art of portrait photography from both a beginner and professional POV.

I think it’s only fitting that I end this entry with a photo of a plague doctor. All things considered I guess I came out ok. I still have my health (mostly) and have been extremely fortunate to keep stable employment through this rollercoaster of a year. I can hope that next year will slowly begin to get more and more “normal” again and maybe by 2022 we will enter a new renaissance of the arts (a boy can dream anyway).

I’m trying not to get too ahead of myself because there is still a lot of bridges to cross, but I have some plans of what I’d like to accomplish in 2021. I want to do what I can to get some more content in the can before I launch it though. I hope to reconnect with some former regulars here on the blog, and continue to create content that is enjoyable (for both me and all of you) and back a little closer to my “roots”.

We’ll get the band back together in due time ;).

Until then, have a wonderful (and safe) new year. Wash your hands, Wear your mask, Get Vaccinated, and don’t gather in large crowds. We’ll get through this together. See you on the other side!

June (The Month) - 2019

Hey ya’ll…it’s been a while.

Even that is harder to write than I’d like it to be. But I’m hoping that in the next little bit I can get myself back into the swing of things. After getting back from The Netherlands in May, I hoped that things would have continued the way they always did. However, every time I even thought about picking up my camera…I just couldn’t.

So I forced myself to keep making work. The only way out is through. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself.

I partnered up with blog regulars Sunday and Gideon for the photos below, even if it did take me 4 months to write a blog post about it.

Sunday O’Dare - 2019.


Gideon Hodge - 2019.

Gideon 061620190017.jpg

Now, all of that being said, I do have some interesting things in the pipeline coming soon. So please keep in touch and keep your eyes peeled.

See you soon.

Top 5ish Photos of 2017 – A Year in Review.

This was a year of many firsts. First trip out of the country, first book cover, first album cover, first fan art, and even first sighting of my photos in "The wild". 

I worked with a TON of new people this year, and each though a connection made from past clients. I've become a name on a great number of tongues this year, and I hope to keep growing. If I had a dollar for every time I said: "But I'm not a _______ photographer" while shooting a particular subject matter this year, I'd be a rich man. 

When the numbers all add up, I averaged a shoot every 8.4 days this year, on top of working a full time day gig. So needless to say, I'm a little bit tired. But to be honest I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

The Netherlands

My year may have started in the US, but my first First of the year comes from my trip abroad. I may have been sent for work, but that didn't stop me from taking the time to give myself a self-guided tour of my accomidations. 


Talon's Grasp
(Book Cover)

This wasn't just a year of firsts for me. A close friend Zak had his first book published this year. 
He asked me to shoot photos for what would end up being the cover of this book. Zak also allowed me to test out some new equipment (for me anyway) the results of which became his Author photo seen below. 

The photo below was an outtake that didn't end up making the cover, but I still liked it anyway. Talon (Lex) went above and beyond to bring the titular character to life.

Be sure to show some love to Lex and Zak by picking up your own copy of the book on Amazon.

(An Album Cover)

Regular client and friend Hada Pixie, as well as her partner TG Mondalf invited me to take part in a special event as well. TG being a big fan of my work wanted partner up and shoot a full album's worth of images, a few of which appear below: 

You can pick up your own copy directly from Latex Records

It was through this shoot that I also met with Sakura Stars, a model I hope to do some more with in the near future. A photo of her appears in the bonus section at the end of the blog.

First "Fan Art"
"...but I'm not a Cosplay photographer..."

I'm consistently astounded by Evin from Apologue Media and am so happy to have been introduced to him and his work. Last year I met for the first time a group that would become regular clients in 2017. Solar Phoenix (as she is now known) shot multiple sets ranging from television, to anime, and even branching in the realm of video games. 

Even though I had no idea what the source material was about, it was her Hotline Miami costume that really made an impression on me this year. 

In the Wild

Through various cosplay shoots this year I was brought to the attention of a couple of groups in the Atlanta Burlesque/Nerdlesque community, and have been introduced to many wonderful people with whom I now consider both friends and clients (and even more that are on the docket to create something magical in the years to come). 

The photo below was snapped at the opening show for The FanDOM, Under The Cowl, which I also shot some of the marketing materials for. 

Kali Fornication, Benjamin Unbutton, and Désiré Èvoquer are just a few of the lovely foks from The FanDOM that I have become close with. Please keep your eyes peeled for more exciting work coming from these guys in the upcoming months. 

As a bonus, I'd also like to share some of my favorite images from a Game of Thrones burlesque show that I was invited to work on (and subsequently got me noticed by what would become FanDOM). 

The Game of Thrones: Winter is Stunning event was one that shouldn't have been missed (and if you missed it, that was clearly your fault because I talked about it a lot). 

Shown are just a few selects from my time in Westeros. Solar Wolf, Solar Phoenix, Risky Sour, and Roux La La are shown here in their wonderful costumes, with Désiré Èvoquer appearing above as Joffrey. 

Bonus Photos
(Because I quickly learned my "Top 5 photos of the year" post ended up with 30+ images in it)

A giant thank you as always to everyone who I shot with this year, I tried to make sure I grabbed a couple of photos from every shoot (and if I missed you it wasn't on purpose). And other great thanks to all of you out there whom I interact with on Social Media and in real life. I love your feedback and interactions. Thanks for reading all of the blog posts, and commenting on your favorite images. 

See you all in 2018.

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