Sean Connery

Ryan (Charlee and Yara) - 2020.

“…We named the dog Indiana.”

Henry Jones, Sr. (Sean Connery) - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989).

I’ve been wanting to make that joke publicly for the longest time. I promise it’ll all make sense in just a few moments. As with many of my performing friends, Ryan was introduced to me with a different name. If you have spent any time on this Blog or any of my social media accounts, you may recognize her as having been listed under a stage name.

All of this to say, when I met her long time cat-roommate Charlee (the fluffy brown lady), I had Connery’s line running through my head (and still do just about every time we spend time together). Although to be fair, in this chicken/egg scenario…I’m not sure which Charlee came first.

When I was coming up with the idea for this project and pitched it into the world, was just about the time that Yara (the tiny black one, just a few weeks old) came into Ryan and Charlee’s world. They are still in the process of getting to know and love one another, but in due time they will both accept their roles and sisterly love.

There’s no podcast this update, but hopefully soon I’ll sit down with Ryan herself to talk about some of the interesting things she’s currently working on. Stay tuned for that, but for now…CATS!

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