The Netherlands 2019 - More Bikes (and Maybe a Few Tulips) .
So, I guess I’ve put this off long enough. Not sure why. I mean it shouldn’t be that hard to type up a few paragraphs about my process, or the things I had the chance to do or see, but for some reason I’ve had a hard time getting my thoughts together about this one.
It still boggles my mind, the obsession I have with bikes when traveling abroad. I think it stems from never really learning how to ride one as a child (long story), but at any rate I always joke with friends about how much the things I shoot change depending on where I am.
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to return to The Netherlands, this time to lead a group of Photographers on a tour of the Dutch countryside. While I tend to shy away from sharing too much about my day to day job role, I’ll be sharing some of the photos I captured while facilitating the workshop.
So without further ado, please enjoy more of my “famous” photos from countries abroad.